Operating SAFETY - Manager Course Outline with Outcomes:
Discuss typical legislation and programs that manage safety in the industrial workplace.
Learning Objectives
- Explain the general intent, power and scope of Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
- Explain the intent and scope of a workplace OH&S program and state the responsibilities of company, employees, and the OH&S Committee within the program.
- Define and give examples of typical workplace hazards and describe a system of hazard identification and control.
- Explain the purpose of work permits and describe typical hot and cold work permit systems.
- Explain the purpose of equipment lockout, describe lockout devices, and describe a typical equipment lockout procedure.
- Define and identify confined spaces and describe a typical confined space permit and entry procedure.
- Explain the hazards of excavation and describe typical excavation procedures and permits.
- Explain the purpose and describe the typical components of an emergency response plan.
- State the purpose of HCS, explain the use of labels and material safety data sheets, and explain the responsibilities of employer and employee.
- Explain the purpose, requirements, and procedures for incident and accident investigation and reporting.
Learning Outcome
Describe comprehensive safe work programs.
- Identify the components and explain the management of a comprehensive safe work program.
- Explain the components and management of a safety training program.
- Explain the process of hazard identification, risk assessment, and mitigation.
- Explain the significance and procedure for safe work planning.
- Explain the significance and procedure for safe work permits, including lockouts.
- Explain the significance and procedure for confined space entry.
- Explain the significance and procedure for hot work.
- Explain the significance and procedure for excavations.
- Explain the significance and procedure for working at heights.
- Explain the significance and components of a contractor safety program.
- Explain the components and management ofa safety audit program, including roles, and responsibilities.
- Explain the purpose, components, and procedure for a hazard and operability study.
Describe emergency response and incident investigation programs.
- Identify the benefits and typical stakeholders of an emergency response program.
- Explain the typical components of an emergency response program.
- Explain the process of developing and maintaining an emergency response program, including typical responsibilities and accountabilities.
- Explain the procedure for emergency response testing.
- Explain the typical components of an incident reporting and investigation program.
- Define categories of incidents.
- Describe roles and responsibilities for incident initial reporting, investigation, final reporting, and corrective actions.
- Explain the significance of and steps required in incident investigation.
- Describe a system for managing incident report data, including the communication process, and its significance.
- Apply an incident reporting and investigation procedure to a case study.
Operating SAFETY - 1st Class Course Outline with Outcomes:
Describe general plant safety as it related to Operators.
- Discuss the cost and effects of workplace accidents.
- Describe the basic hazards that may be in an energy plant, and the basic Personal Protective Equipment that may be required.
- Define, give examples of, and describe common power house hazards.
- Describe Industrial health and safety management system.
- Describe Hazard Assessment and Control programs.
Learning Outcome
Describe common safety programs generally applied in plants.
- Describe common occupational health and safety programs found in most plants.
- Describe industrial safety programs in which Operators may require additional training.
- Discuss safe work permits.
- Describe methods of equipment isolation and lock out.
Describe the policies and procedures for safe storage and handling of dangerous materials.
- Discuss the HCS system.
- Discuss the essential components required in the HCS systems.
- Describe the safe handling and use of gas cylinders in an energy plant (power plant).
- Discuss the safe handling of Hydrocarbons.
Learning Outcome
Explain the design and operation of combustion safety controls on burners and boilers.
- Describe the operation of control and safety devices found on boiler fuel supplies.
- Describe the construction and operation of flame detectors.
- Describe the combustion safety controls for boilers and burner systems.
- Describe burner management systems.
- Interpret burner operating sequence charts, and provide a typical sequence of startup and shutdown vents.
Explain fire safety in an industrial plant.
- Discuss the theory, terminology, and the life safety issues associated with fires.
- Explain the five classes of fires, and describe the types of fire extinguishing media and how they act on these fires.
- Explain fire prevention.
- Discuss fire prevention methods for the five types of fires.
Describe typical fire extinguishing equipment and its operation in plant environments.
- Describe the construction and operation of various types of portable fire extinguishers.
- Discuss the inspection and maintenance requirements of portable fire extinguishers.
- Describe the types, layout, and operation of standpipe and sprinkler systems.
- Discuss the maintenance requirements of standpipe and sprinkler system components.
- Describe the purpose, operation, and maintenance of fire pumps.
Describe procedures needed to enter into, or work safely in confined spaces.
- Define confined space, list some confined spaces, and describe the hazards of being ina confined space.
- Describe procedures to be followed when performing a confined space entry, including completion of an entry checklist.